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Nailing your CV: Top tips from the pros

Nailing your CV: Top tips from the pros

Hey there, job seekers! At Hawk 3 Talent Solutions, we know that crafting the perfect CV can be a daunting task. But fear not, we're here to help you put your best foot forward in the professional job market. Potential employers develop a first impression based on your CV, so read on for some insider tips to make it really stand out.


1. Keep it clean and organised

Your CV should be easy to navigate so use clear headings and bullet points to ensure hiring managers can read through it quickly. Remember, recruiters often skim through a stack of CVs, so help them find the information they need quickly.


2. Start with a powerful summary

Your CV should begin with a compelling summary statement. This is your elevator pitch, your chance to grab their attention. Highlight your key achievements, skills, and what sets you apart from the crowd.


3. Tailor your CV for each job

One size doesn't fit all. Make sure you customise your CV for each job application by aligning your qualifications and experience with the specific requirements of the role. This shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the position.


4. Showcase achievements, not just duties

Don't just list your job responsibilities. Instead, focus on your accomplishments and the impact you've made in previous roles. Quantify your achievements with numbers, percentages, or any relevant metrics.


5. Highlight your transferable skills

In addition to job-specific skills, emphasise your transferable skills like communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability. These are highly valued by employers across various industries.


6. Education and certifications

List your educational background and any relevant certifications. Highlight academic achievements, accomplishments, or awards, especially if you're a recent graduate.


7. Be honest and accurate

Employers value integrity and trustworthiness so don't exaggerate your attainments or qualifications. It might seem like a shortcut to landing your dream job, but during the interview you'll need to back it up. Let your unique experiences and achievements shine through in an honest way, and you’ll find the right fit for you.


8. Keep it concise

While you want to showcase your skills and experiences, be concise. Aim for a two-page CV, particularly if you're early in your career. But this is just a guide; if you’ve got an extensive career history don’t use a tiny font size to cram it all in! Hiring managers are often drowning in CVs, and they appreciate a clear document that gets to the point. Achieve this and you’ll be sure to stand out in the crowd.


9. Use action verbs

Want to make your accomplishments pop? Start bullet points with action verbs to convey a sense of impact and give a clear picture of what you’ve actually done. Words like "achieved," "implemented," "led," or "increased" are effective.


10. Proofread thoroughly

Before you hit send, do yourself a favour and proofread your CV multiple times - a polished CV shows attention to detail and professionalism. If possible, ask a friend or family member to give it a once-over. Fresh eyes can catch mistakes you might overlook.


11. Include relevant keywords

Many organisations use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter and screen CVs. So, if you want your CV to make it to the recruiter's desk, match the language from the job posting, including relevant keywords from the job description. It’s like speaking their lingo and will tell the hiring manager that you’re a strong match for the position.


12. Add a Personal Touch

Don’t forget to add some personality into your CV. Whilst it might be a professional document, adding a personal touch like details of your hobbies or interests can help break the ice in interviews and connects you with potential employers on a human level.


Remember, your CV is a living document so regularly update it as you gain new skills and experiences. The key is to make it a true reflection of your professional journey. And now that you’re equipped with our top tips, you can confidently create your standout CV in your quest to land that perfect role! And if you ever need assistance, we’re here to support you in your job search journey. Good luck!